

Late September 2017, a period of two months will be open during which we will accept applications to participate in the conference.

Application consists on a brief email incuding

  • Name, affiliation and homepage
  • Title, brief abstract and type of contribution (poster/talk) if any

Late in 2017, we will publish a list with all applications that were accepted, as well as a conference program.


The conference fee of 150€ will cover general expenses and a conference dinner, and will be paid by all participants. Accommodation and meals will be handled by the participants.

Once you have been accepted into the conference, to complete the registration send an email to with confirmation of the transfer of the conference fee (150€) which we will consider as the official registration at the Workshop. We will provide an invoice of the conference fee, as well as an attendance certificate, under request at the conference location.


To book one of the recommended hotels, please follow this link.